Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No LAN for you

So I held off on posting this which was announced a couple days ago cause I was hoping they would retract their message but looks like there will be no LAN for Starcraft 2. Fans have been pissed (including my roommate Ammo) and signing petitions online to boycott starcraft 2. I am sure I will still pick it up either way but here is Blizzard's official response to the Fan Outcry:

"We don't currently plan to support LAN play with StarCraft II, as we are building to be the ideal destination for multiplayer gaming with StarCraft II and future Blizzard Entertainment games. While this was a difficult decision for us, we felt that moving away from LAN play and directing players to our upgraded service was the best option to ensure a quality multiplayer experience with StarCraft II and safeguard against piracy.

Several features like advanced communication options, achievements, stat-tracking, and more, require players to be connected to the service, so we're encouraging everyone to use as much as possible to get the most out of StarCraft II. We're looking forward to sharing more details about and online functionality for StarCraft II in the near future." said Bob Colayco at Blizzard PR


  1. The main reason I can see them making that choice, is like they said to avoid piracy. "make blizzard more money" because you cant share key codes, so everyone has to buy their own copy of starcraft rather then with lane only one person needs to buy it.

  2. Yeah I agree. I understand why they are doing it but it kinda sucks for tournaments and such. Or like one kid said, "I live in China and the internet sucks here, please bring back LAN I beg you."
